Email: radhomezllc@gmail.com

(734) 564-6525- Danielle Kennedy

Ranu Meah - Co-Founder/ The Best Friend Ever

AKA....Papaw.  Ranu is a retiree from the City of Detroit and worked hard all his life to retire at such a young age.  Without Ranu, none of this would be possible.  Thanks Dad I Love you !

Zachery Kennedy - CEO

Whether out hunting, fishing, playing with his tractors or on-site working.  Zach is an integral facet within the RAD Homez organization.  Zach's management techniques are a big reason in why RAD Homez is so successful.

Danielle Kennedy - Founder/Project Manager

Danielle earned her Master's Degree in Mechanical Engineering, which is where her normal days are in the daily grind of the automotive industry.  Danielle has and has always had a passion to fix things, and more so a passion to renovate homes.  RAD Homez has always been Danielle's #1 goal to succeed in a business that she loves.

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